Emma’s work in education began in 2005 when she chose to focus her Masters of Applied Positive Technology on applications in education, and became the only Lead Trainer for the Penn Resilience Programme in Europe. As a result she co-founded Bounce Forward, a charity that promotes the skills of resilience to young people and personally trained thousands of teachers and school leaders across the UK in the skills of resilience.
She has taken a lead in curriculum design, evaluation, the development of parenting programmes and the creation of whole school approaches. In doing this work she developed a deep understanding, and respect for, the challenges and rewards of working in the education sector.
Emma serves on the Board of a leading independent school and as a Governor of a secondary state school. She is also a Trustee of Family Links, a charity providing training in emotional health to families, parents and carers.
Recent Projects
MAT Leadership Programme – worked with the CEO to integrate a new team, developing new capabilities and ways of working to build a culture that supported the MAT’s ambitions and promoted a healthy balance between individual school leadership and being part of a broader team.
Accelerated School Leadership Programme – equipped individuals identified as potential Head Teachers for the challenges ahead. The year-long programme incorporated short online modules and face to face training that built self-awareness, confidence and capabilities and mindsets to allow them to step in to more senior leadership roles.
Whole School Approach to Wellbeing – supported the SLT as they developed a strategy for their school that incorporated the challenges and opportunities associated with safeguarding, SEND and mental health provision but with an emphasis on inclusion and prevention of escalation. The final plan incorporated all aspects of school life, including curriculum, and was supported by leadership and staff training.